Thursday, December 3, 2015

Political Ads

Ads funded by support groups and PAC tend to be very negative toward the opponent of the candidate they are supporting. They don't seem to highlight the positive aspects of the candidate they are supporting. They are very intense in tone and they often have a very serious voiceover quoting a survey or report condemning one of the candidates. I showed my dad the ads and he felt the same way. The ads make the candidate seem like a criminal.

They seem to be telling stories about the candidates lying to voters. They show a clip of the person saying "I do not support _____". Then they'll cut to a report showing the candidate supports _______. Then they show the damage caused by the candidate. Finally they show the candidate they are supporting in bright lighting, smiling, and doing nice things. They use facts out of context to evoke fear into the audience. They show the candidate as scary, then they'll show the candidate they support as the hero to the opponent's corruption.

They seem to pushing integrity and family values. They show the opponents as immoral and anti-family. These are the closest to the hearts of Americans. Advertisers want people to think their candidate is the most moral.

I think these ads are good for consumers because they show that everyone that both sides are capable of lying. I think it is bad on the consumers who are gullible and take the ads too seriously. This is dangerous to democracy because the voters are too easily manipulated by the big budget advertisements.


There are literally thousands of cookies on my browser. I don't even visit very many websites, but my computer is just full of cookies. I turned off my cookies and now I get asked to accept a cookie pretty much every new page I visit. It is actually very unbelievable

I mostly get cookies from random websites. The biggest company one i get is Dish Network. They have a ton of cookies. Most of the cookies last about 2-10 years. The 10 years seems really extremely long amount of time to have a cookie.

I think that this says a lot about the security of your computer. Website can easily track everything you do on the internet. They know who's visiting the website, how often, and they make it easier for people to come back to the website. It gives these corporations full control over your life and how you use the internet. They can make personalized ads targeted toward your interest. If they have control of your computer, they can always make money off of you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Third Man Records:
The label specializes in Rock and Blues. Jack White, the White Stripes, the Raconteurs, Carl Sagan, Beck and Alabama Shakes are represented by that label. It distributes their music through the label. The label is trying to attract a younger, hip group. They do this by producing vinyls and putting on small shows to attract them. It is an independent label.
Third Man Records competes by signing talented artist. Plus Jack White is well known in the music industry. So he attracts a large audience.
The Music industry puts out low quality content to appeal to the masses but third man records fghts the system by focusing on the quality of the music. With Jack White's audience, it is easy to put out high quality music because they demand it.

Magazines and Diversity

Time Magazine:
       About 40% of the page was dedicated to written news content and about 10% was dedicated to the images with it. On the left side, there were other articles produced by Time. At the bottom of the screen, there were click bait articles from other websites. These images took up about 50% of the page.
       These images were mostly of Caucasian people. There weren't many other ethnicities represented in the magazine. There were the occasional African Americans but for the most part it was overwhelmingly white. The majority of the images with African Americans involved the president or the police. The ones with white people were over a plethora of different activities.
The major differences were the way the people were portrayed. The majority of all of the ethnicities involved pictures of high ranking officials. Time market seems to aim towards the middle aged people. I think that is why they tend to include pictures of highly ranked individuals and predominately white ads.
        I think the images definitely alienate the non-white ethnic groups. If they want to attract more readers, they need to open the magazine to a larger audience.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


21st Century Fox owns
Fox Networks (A unit of Fox Networking Group)
FX Networks and Productions (FX, FXX, FXM)
National Geographic Channel
Nat Geo WILD
Nat Geo Mundo
Fox Sports Network (FSN) and 22 regional cable sports networks
FOX Sports 1
FOX Sports 2
FOX Soccer Plus
FOX College Sports
FOX Deportes
FOX Life
Baby TV
BTN (co-venture with the Big Ten Conference)
(Digital Extensions of Fox Networks:)
FOX Sports GO
Nat Geo TV
Big Ten Network (A joint venture between the Big Ten Conference and Fox Networks)
Fox Business Network
Fox Deportes
Fox News Channel
Twentieth Century Fox Film
Twentieth Century Fox
Fox 2000 Pictures
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Fox International Productions
Twentieth Century Fox Animation
Twentieth Century Fox Television
The Fox News and Fox Business Network work together. The Fox Network and FX Networks work together, often sharing the same shows. The National Geographic Channel works independently as a Partner company. The Sports channels have the most extensive synergies. They also own and operate the social media account.
The synergies result in a more profitable media production. For example, fox can produce one show and put it on the FOX cable channel and then later put it on FX or FXX. They include clips of shows in their social media accounts to promote the programming that is on that night.
Synergies can definitely have negative effects. For example, FOX News supports views that aren't as environmentally conscious as National Geographic. This might influence the content that Nat. Geo. produces.

TV News

Grandpa: The news has always been a part of our household. We used the watch the NBC Nightly News but now I mainly watch Fox News. I still enjoy the news and I enjoy watching it.

Dad: I don't watch the news much anymore. I just read Fox News on the internet. I think its important to know what's going on.

They both seem to have shifted their news sources to outlets that reflect their political views. I think the things that stick with them are the News interviews with people they like.

I think this means that people are getting more personalized news stories from the news organizations that share similar viewpoints to confirm their biases. The TV news sources are most useful for larger news stories and big events such as national tragedies or Debates.

The TV news is less biased than the cable news companies. They have less time to cover stories so they stick to the more important stories and don't cover as many human interest stories. They also don't have the same level of discussion as cable news networks.

Magazine Advertisment vs. Content

Men's Health:
Ads- Muscle supplements, Cologne ads, vitamins
Content- Work Outs, Interviews with body builders, Diets, Photographs,

Sport Illustrated:
Ads- ESPN, Fan Duel, Marines
Content- Coverage of teams, stat analysis, photos of Action sport

The ads definitely cater to their audience. The Men's Health magazine had advertisement for products that their audience will buy.

I think the magazine influence which companies want to put ads in them based on the readers and their target demographic. The ads definitely have some influence on the content that the magazine produces because they need the ad money.