Thursday, December 3, 2015

Political Ads

Ads funded by support groups and PAC tend to be very negative toward the opponent of the candidate they are supporting. They don't seem to highlight the positive aspects of the candidate they are supporting. They are very intense in tone and they often have a very serious voiceover quoting a survey or report condemning one of the candidates. I showed my dad the ads and he felt the same way. The ads make the candidate seem like a criminal.

They seem to be telling stories about the candidates lying to voters. They show a clip of the person saying "I do not support _____". Then they'll cut to a report showing the candidate supports _______. Then they show the damage caused by the candidate. Finally they show the candidate they are supporting in bright lighting, smiling, and doing nice things. They use facts out of context to evoke fear into the audience. They show the candidate as scary, then they'll show the candidate they support as the hero to the opponent's corruption.

They seem to pushing integrity and family values. They show the opponents as immoral and anti-family. These are the closest to the hearts of Americans. Advertisers want people to think their candidate is the most moral.

I think these ads are good for consumers because they show that everyone that both sides are capable of lying. I think it is bad on the consumers who are gullible and take the ads too seriously. This is dangerous to democracy because the voters are too easily manipulated by the big budget advertisements.

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